
A New Look At The Amazing Success Of Philadelphia’s Founder William Penn

Watch this special program and discover what Philly was really like when William Penn got here in 1682.

Find out “How William Penn turned a ‘howling wilderness’ into America’s fastest growing city” that leapt right past both New York and Boston.

The Presenter: Jim Murphy, a certified member of the Association of Philadelphia Tour Guides, writer of over 60 articles on Philadelphia’s heroes and historic places, and soon-to-be author of a fast-reading book on Philly history by Temple University Press.

You’ll Discover: Why the American Society of Civil Engineers added Penn’s plan to its List of Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks, what a group of Chinese students noticed about Philadelphia several years ago, and what a visitor found unique about Philadelphia in 1744.

Plus you will see an out-of-this-world photo … and learn an easy way to remember Philadelphia street names very few people know about. (Jim learned it from his mother.)


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