Commodore John Barry
Commodore John Barry. Portrait by Wilfred I. Duphiney (1884-1960).
John Weber: I'm John Weber, and this is your WHYY Philly Phun Phact. Stroll behind Independence Hall, and chances are you'll see people photographing a large statue of John Barry, often called the father of the American Navy.
Jim Murphy: He's defiant and aggressive, pointing right at the Delaware River. To park visitors, it looks as if Barry is saying to the British Navy, I'm coming after you, and he did come after them often.
John Weber: That's tour guide Jim Murphy, author of Real Philly History, Real Fast. The statue of Barry by sculpture Samuel Murray was erected by the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick in 1907. Barry won the first and last successful battles of the Continental Navy fought against the British and many in between.
Jim Murphy: The statue is a frequent source of pictures, and it's believed to be the 2nd most photographed statue in Philly behind only the Rocky statue near the art museum steps.
John Weber: I'm John Weber, and that's your WHYY Philly Phun Phact.