Hot Air Balloon

Hot Air Balloon
WHYY/Philly Phun Phacts

Illustration, "Blanchard's Descent" from Wonderful Ballon Ascents.


John Weber: I'm John Weber, and this is your WHYY Philly Phun Phact. There's nothing quite as picturesque as a hot air balloon floating over the Delaware Valley. And did you know that the very first balloon flight in America took place right here in Philadelphia?

Jim Murphy: The flight took place on January 9, 1793, piloted by Frenchman Jean Pierre Blanchard.

John Weber: That's tour guide Jim Murphy, author of Real Philly History, Real Fast, who says that the balloon took off from a prison yard located at the intersection of 6th and Walnut Streets in Philadelphia.

Jim Murphy: Blanchard ascended to what is estimated to be about 5, 800 feet, floated across the Delaware River, and then made a successful landing about 15 miles away in Deptford Township in Gloucester County, New Jersey.

John Weber: The flight lasted just a little under an hour and was witnessed by George Washington, who was president at the time. I'm John Weber, and that's your WHYY Philly Phun Phact.


Gloria Dei Church


Commodore John Barry