Edgar Allan Poe House
You’ll see this sunny watercolor of Edgar Allan Poe and his wife Virginia sitting on the porch of the house at the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site in Philadelphia. Illustration by Steven Patricia. Photo by Jim Murphy, author of Real Philly History, Real Fast.
John Weber: I'm John Weber, and this is your WHYY Philly Phun Phact. This is the time of the year when we celebrate the master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. And did you know that Poe lived in many residents throughout Philadelphia?
Jim Murphy: Poe lived in at least 3 different locations in Philadelphia, including homes on Arch Street on 16th and Locust Streets and on Coats Street near 25th Street.
John Weber: That's tour guide Jim Murphy, author of Real Philly History, Real Fast, who says that while living in Philadelphia from 1838 to 1844, Poe published some of his most well known works.
Jim Murphy: But only one of his residents is still standing, a place he rented on 7th Street in the Spring Garden neighborhood. His time in Philadelphia was said to be the happiest time of his life.
John Weber: Several families lived in the home after Poe until it was purchased by Richard Gimbel, son of the founder of Gimbel's department store in 1933. A fan of Poe, he refurbished the home and opened it as a museum. I'm John Weber, and that's your WHYY Philly Phun Phact.