Your Bi-Weekly Blog of Fascinating Facts & Interesting Oddities

Robert Smith’s Secret Work
Philly's top Colonial builder/architect helped bottle up 250 British supply ships
George Washington’s Big Surprise
If he didn't rotate his slaves out of Pa.
every six months … they'd be freed!

Medical Mansion
Bush Hill, built by Andrew Hamilton, served as a hospital during Philly’s yellow fever epidemic

The Hamilton No One Remembers
Andrew Hamilton built both Independence Hall and the reputation of "the Philadelphia Lawyer"

John Adams, Master Manipulator
How the First Continental Congress
really ended up in Carpenters’ Hall

The Mysterious Story of Philly’s “Dream Garden” Tiffany Mosaic
3 artists died before it was completed

Wawa Welcome America Concerts Moved a Block North This Year
I thought the new site was great.
Ben Franklin Makes A Point
“He snatched lightning from the sky and the scepter from tyrants”

Correcting History:
Philly’s Carpenters’ Hall not 1st to use Robert Smiths’ plans; it was the 2nd!